Museum & Shipyards, AvondaleHistoric district of MaitlandWalton LighthouseTidal Bore River Rafting, UrbaniaObservation Deck, South MaitlandProv. WIldlife Park, ShubenacadieAtlantic Motorsport Park, Mill VillageMastadon Ridge, StewiackeGlooscap Heritage Centre, MillbrookTidal Bore at Viewing Park, TruroMasstown Complex off TCH near TruroDiefenbaker Bunker, DebertAntique stores at Great VillageGouda Cheese Farm, Upper EconomyCobequid Veterans Park, Bass RiverFive Islands Provincial ParkCobequid Interpretive Ctr., EconomyOttawa House-by-the-Sea, ParrsboroCanada’s oldest dinosaursFundy Geological Museum, ParrsboroGlooscap statue at ParrsboroAge of Sale Heritage Ctr., Port GrevilleRemote Cape D’Or LighthouseMary Celeste Cairn at Spencer’s IslandFORCE Fundy Ocean Research Ctr.Cape Chignecto Provincial ParkDriftwood at Advocate HarbourTour to Three Sisters, Advocate Hbr.Joggins Fossil Cliffs, UNESCO siteBe amazed at sea-carved beautyAnne Murray Centre, SpringhillTour-A-Mine Miners Museum, Springhill