Local Clubs in Atlantic Canada

We strive to have the latest contact information, but sometimes positions change and new contacts are not submitted.
If you notice an error, please submit new information to us and we will replace or remove.

New clubs and associations – this listing is free, submit your info to wnesbitt@bellaliant.com

Aces & Eights Motorcycle Club
Motorcycle non-specific focusing on family, friends & riding.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/891716970902069/

Apple Valley Riders Motorcycle Club, Motorcycle non-specific
Pres: Lyle Fowler; Email: lylefowler44@hotmail.com; Info: 902-678-3910

A.R.M. Association of Recovering Motorcyclists, Chapter 67
Email: armintl86@aol.com; http://www.arm-intl.com/canada/chapters/chapter67/index.html

Atlantic Vintage Motorcycle Society; Motorcycle non-specific
www.avms.ca; Pres: Bruce Goldsmith; brucegoldsmith@hotmail.com
Sec/Treas: Laurie Rockwell; lrockwell@ns.sympatico.ca

Band of Brothers Crew; Maritime Chapter
Email President: whip@iomcnb.com

Bay Boys MRC; Motorcycle non-specific
Info: Facebook

BACA Bikers Against Child Abuse
Truro, NS Chapter: 902-222-8310
Pres: Cupcake@tr-can.bacaworld.org
Saint John, NB Chapter:
Secretary: Wuffie@sj-can.bacaworld.org

Bikers Down Society; Motorcycle non-specific
a Not for Profit organization established by Bikers to provide assistance to motorcycle enthusiasts in need, regardless of their age, make of motorcycle or riding club.
Pres: Jimi Swinamer; Vice-pres: Marlene Roach; Sec.: Tracy Gauvreau 902-229-8834; bikersdown.com; Facebook

Blue Knights Chapter I; Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club
Info: Barry Mellish; Email: bjmellish@ns.sympatico.ca; Facebook

Blue Knights – NB II Inc.; Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club
Info: Bill Mattsson; Email: mattssonb@hotmail.com

BMW Owners of Nova Scotia (BMWONS)
Info: www.bmwons.ca

BMW Riders of New Brunswick
Web: www.sites.google.com/site/nbbmwriders/; Email: rlward55@gmail.com

BMW Owners of Newfoundland and Labrador (BMWONL)
Info: Phil Scevour 709-689-3717; Email: bmwonl@live.ca; Follow us on Facebook

Brotherhood of Bikers (Eastern Shore); Motorcycle non-specific
Contact us on Facebook

Brotherhood of Old Bikers Motorcycle Clan, Nova Scotia Chapter
Motorcycle non-specific, must be at least 40 years of age
Email: halifaxbrotherhood@gmail.com

Brothers of the Third Wheel
Web: www.btw-trikers.org; Email: swappert56@yahoo.com

Canadian Army Veterans Motorcycle Unit, 2nd C.A.V.
Motorcycle non-specific; http://thecav.ca/2nd-cav; Facebook
Battle of the Atlantic Unit, Halifax; Email: donaldcrossman@gmail.com
Fortress Europe Unit, Greenwood; Email: canadiandiver@eastlink.ca
Passchendaele Unit, Fredericton; President 506-471-8255
Point 59 Unit, Saint John; Facebook 2 C.A.V. Point 59 MU
Potenza Unit, Woodstock; Facebook 2 C.A.V. Potenza
Dunkirk Unit, Moncton; Web: https://2cavdunkirkmoncton.ca/
Thiepval Unit, St. Stephen; Facebook 2 C.A.V. Thiepval

2nd C.A.V. Eastern Canada
www.thecav.ca; Email: 2ndcavhq@thecav.ca

Canadian Lonewolves; Motorcycle non-specific, motorcyclists over 18 & Canadian residents
www.canadianlonewolves.ca; Info: Dave Hadley, angelwolves827@gmail.com

Canadian Motorcycle Cruisers (CMC); Halifax 004 Chapter; Motorcycle non-specific
Info: Steven ‘Cruzer’ Adams, steadams@eastlink.ca; www.cmcnational.ca National
Canadian Motorcycle Cruisers (CMC); CMC069 Summerside; Motorcycle non-specific
Canadian Motorcycle Cruisers, CMC010 Richibucto
Canadian Motorcycle Cruisers, CMC024 & CMC051 Newfoundland
Web: www.canadianmotorcyclecruisers.ca

Canadian Veteran Freedom Riders; Motorcycle non-specific
Unit – CVFR RESURGO in New Brunswick; Web: www.CVFR.ca
NB Unit Pres: Daniel Girard; email: danielgirard63@hotmail.com

Cape Breton FreeWheelin’ Motorcycle Association (CBFW); Motorcycle non-specific.
Pres: Lou Strong; https://www.facebook.com/groups/167573416678908/
Info: Ike Paul 902-567-6755 or 902-549-6755; Email: ndnikepaul@gmail.com

Cape Breton Saddlebags – Cape Breton Female Bikers; Motorcycle non-specific
Follow us on Facebook ; Info: Paula MacKeigan; 902-371-5025, email: paularaylene@gmail.com
Cora MacKay; 902-371-2664 or 562-1647; email: wmackay@syd.eastlink.ca

Celtic Pride RC; Motorcycle non-specific
Registered non-profit association, fund-raising for Autism.
Facebook; Info: Chris MacAulay 902-849-5280; Secretary-Treasurer

Chain Runners MRC; Motorcycle non-specific.
Motorcycle Riding Club in Glace Bay, Cape Breton, NS.
Facebook; Info: Wayne Mauger 902-322-4500

Christian Motorcyclists Association www.cmacanada.ca
NOVA SCOTIAScotian Christian Riders; Motorcycle non-specific.
Info: Gary Bent 902-754-1241; Email: garywsbent@gmail.com
EAST – Crossroad Christian Riders; Motorcycle non-specific.
MONCTON area; Info: Victor Vaughan (506) 866-5406
WEST – Central NB Christian Riders; Motorcycle non-specific.
Info: Don Landry (506) 343-3853
Island Christian Riders; Motorcycle non-specific.
Info: Klaas Nieuwhof  902-628-9230; knieuwhof@pei.sympatico.ca
NEWFOUNDLAND; Motorcycle non-specific.
Info: Aubrey Goulding (709) 782-1435

Coastal Drifters Motorcycle Club; Motorcycle non-specific.
Meetings every 2nd Wednesday, 7pm at Barrington Library
Info: Lori Stewart 902-637-3654 or Dougie Peterson 902-745-2061; Email: greyjay@ss.eastlink.ca

Commandos Canada MC; Motorcycle non-specific
Fredericton, NB; Info: danerobertyoung@gmail.com

74th Crusaders;  Motorcycle non-specific.
Motorcycle Clubhouse: Mochelle;
email: 74th.crusaders@gmail.com; Facebook

Darksiders Motorcycle Club
NS Chapter: email: DARKSIDERSMC@outlook.com
NB Chapter email: dominicdoucet@hotmail.com

DC Riders; Motorcycle non-specific.
Pres: John Soles; Info: dcriders@hotmail.com; digbycountyriders.blogspot.ca

Defenders Motorcycle Club; Motorcycle non-specific.
All members have served or supported services to defend our country.
Chapter 10 Halifax www.defendersns.com; Facebook
Pres: Guy LeClerc; 902-488-5689 Email: gjleclerc1@bellaliant.net
Vice-Pres: Drew Smeaton; Treasurer: Patsy Leclerc
Secretary: Fred Stephenson; 204-574-6010 Email: fsstephenson@gmail.com
Chapter 11 Amherst Facebook
Pres: Mike Johnson; Contact Email: greggor@eastlink.ca
Chapter 15 Truro
Pres: Tiny Crowe; Email: president@defenders15.com
Chapter 20 Cape Breton
Pres: Jim Fletcher
Chapter 2, Oromocto, NB
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1473569276210408/

Defiant Ones (former Devils Own)
A motorcycle group promoting the biker way of life.
Facebook; Contacts: David Fry, Jonathan Fry, Neil Lenihan or Daniel Jeffery

Ditch Doctors Motorcycle Riding Club,Sydney, Nova Scotia
Open to actively licensed or Final patch retired paramedics only.

Email: ditchdoctors2014@gmail.com

East Coast DUCATI Club; official DOC (Desmo Owners Club)
for Ducati owners and enthusiasts on Canada’s East Coast.

Web: eastcoastducaticlub.org

Ezzy Seven Brotherhood Motorcycle Club; Motorcycle specific, Harley-Davidson
Facebook; Rael McIntyre – bambam@bellaliant.net; Dan Boivin – boivindaniel7@gmail.com

Fog City CruisersMotorcycle non-specific
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FogCityCruisers/;
Email: fogcitycruisers@hotmail.com

Fredericton Motorcycle Club, FMC; Open to all motorcyclists
Web: http://frederictonmotorcycleclub.ca; Email: frederictonmotorcycleclub@gmail.com
Facebook: The Fredericton Motorcycle Club

Gold Wing Road Riders Association, Regional Lwww.gwrra.org
Directors of Atlantic Canada: Al & Val Tucker; Email: avtuck@gmail.com
District of Nova Scotia
Directors: Ron & Ruth Martin 902-678-1298; Email: ronmartin@ns.sympatico.ca
Chapter A (Halifax)
For Info: Vincent & Anna Ordinelli 902-701-0751; Email: vordinelli@gmail.com
Chapter K (New Minas)
For Info: Paul Danells/Sherry Martin 902-365-5385; Email: bigdaddy.paul@hotmail.com
Chapter T (Truro)
For Info: William & Cynthia MacLellan 902-893-1659; Email: chaptertns@hotmail.com
Chapter CB (Cape Breton)
For Info: Louis & Judy MacKinnon; Email: gwrrans.cb@gmail.com
Chapter A (Prince Edward Island)
Web: www.canadianatlanticregion.org/pei.html; Email: pineausgoldwing@gmail.com
Chapter A, St. John’s (Newfoundland)
Web: www.canadianatlanticregion.org/nl.html; Email: director@goldwingnfld.org

Gold Wing Touring Association; NS Chapter CC, Maritime Fundy Riders
For Info: Phil Morris 902-667-1533; www.gwta.org

Guardians of the Children International, Saint John Chapter
Info: Facebook Email: gocsaintjohn@gmail.com

The Rebels;  Open to all, family-oriented and law abiding independent club
For Info: Facebook

Halifax Scooter Council; All makes of motorscooters, vintage Lambretta & Vespa
Info: Facebook; Email: web@halifaxscootercouncil.com

H.O.G. Cape Breton Chapter 9044, N.S.
Info: Roy Bishop; Facebook ; Email: paul_jabalee@hotmail.com

H.O.G. Central Chapter, NS
Info: Greg Rayner, Director; Email: chev55@accesscable.net; www.hogcentralchapterns.com

H.O.G. South Shore Chapter, NS
Info: George Cornelius, Director; Email: ss-hog@hotmail.com; Facebook

H.O.G. Moncton Chapter
Web: www.monctonhog.ca; Email: mctonhog@nbnet.nb.ca


H.O.G. Newfoundland, Chapter 9004
Facebook: HOG Newfoundland; Email: hog9004@gmail.com

IAFF – MG District 15; International Association of Fire Fighters Motorcycle Group
Open to members and friends of Station 15, Mount Hope, Dartmouth
Follow us on Facebook “Halifax Firefighter Bikers”

IMRG – Indian Motorcycle Riders Group; Bluenose 2056
sponsored by Rallye Motoplex Halifax
Pres: Steve Lloyd; Vice Pres: David Findlay
Contact: Facebook: IMRG Bluenose 2056
Email: swlloyd@bellaliant.net Web: www.bluenoseimrg.com

Knights of the Inferno MC; Membership of active or retired volunteer
or full time firefighters, EMS, Military and OEM personnel.
Contact: Eric Chafe; Email: ericjchafe@yahoo.ca

Legion Riders of Southeastern New Brunswick; a riding club of Royal Canadian Legion members from various legion branches across Southeastern NB.
Chair: Robin Babin
Email: legionriderssenb@gmail.com

Lost Legion; Motorcycle non-specific group of riders.
Sydney, Nova Scotia; Email: lostlegionsydney@outlook.com

Maritime Motorcycle Touring Association (MMTA); Motorcycle non-specific touring club.
Pres: Reid Crouse (902) 543-0425; reidcrouse@eastlink.ca
Vice-Pres: Bob Emino ; rhemino@hotmail.com
Sec: Donna Munroe (902) 678-9199; grumpynannie@gmail.com

Moncton Motorcycle Touring Club; Motorcycle non-specific.
President: Byron MacLaggan; www.mmtcmoncton.ca; Info: marc.arseneault63@gmail.com

Motor Maids Atlantic Canada; Open to all women who ride
www.acmotormaids.com; Email: acmotormaids@gmail.com

Musquodoboit Monsters MC; Motorcycle non-specific riding club
Contact: Jodi Whyte-Young, 902-889-3121
Website: musquodoboitmonsters.wix.com/pr-blog; Email: musquodoboitmonsters@hotmail.com

Newfound Riders (Nfld.); Motorcycle non-specific riding club
www.newfoundriders.com; Email: info@newfoundriders.com

NL BikerFacebook: NL Biker 2.0;
Email: lkleveque@nf.sympatico.ca

Northern Stars of Stephenville, NLwww.nl.northernstarsrider.ca
Email: dajoker@northernstarsrider.ca

Nova Scotia Off Road Riders Association; A collective voice for off-road motorcycle riders & their families
Tel: 902-210-8100; Info: www.nsorra.ca; or Facebook

Nova Tourers Motorcycle Touring Club; Motorcycle non-specific.
For Info: Josie & Gary vanVonderen 902-863-8497; Email: omavanv@gmail.com

PEI Motorcycle Touring Club
www.angelfire.com/pe/peimtc; Email: underthesun@pei.sympatico.ca

Placentia & Area Motorcycle Riders (Nfld.); Motorcycle non-specific.

Rare Eagles, Bras D’Or area Motorcycle Club; Members love riding, Motorcycle non-specific
Contact: Sid Pardy, Email: rare-eagles@hotmail.com

Red Knights Nova Scotia, Firefighters Motorcycle Club
Members are active & retired Firefighters, Motorcycle non-specific
NS Chapter 1 Halifax,  Facebook; Email for all executive: ns1@redknightsmc.com
John Cunningham, Pres., Matthew Gallant, Vice-Pres.; Rhea Gallant, Secretary/Treasurer
Road Captains: Sheldon Scott, James Yuill, Mike Kuentzel
NS Chapter 2 Cape Breton
Info: Donald Poirier, Pres., Email: firephone_40@hotmail.com
NS Chapter 3 Meteghan
Info: Joe Comeau, Pres., Email: joecomeau2011@hotmail.com
NS Chapter 4 Aylesford
Email: ns4@redknightsmc.com
NS Chapter 5 Bear River
Email: ns5@redknightsmc.com
NS Chapter 6 Stellarton
Info: Mike O’Sullivan, Pres.; Email: ns6@redknightsmc.com

Red Knights New Brunswick, Firefighters Motorcycle Club
Members are active & retired Firefighters, Motorcycle non-specific
NB Chapter 1 Rothesay
Info: Dave Gallant, Pres., Email: nb1@redknightsmc.com
NB Chapter 2 New Maryland
Info: Dennis Walsh, Pres., Email: nb2@redknightsmc.com
NB Chapter 3 Moncton
Info: Greg Trites, Pres., Email: gregtrites@hotmail.ca
NB Chapter 4 Moores Mills
Info: Dale McRae, Pres., Email: nb4@redknightsmc.com
NB Chapter 5 Grand Falls
Info: Yon Pelletier, Pres., Email: nb5@redknightsmc.com

Red Knights Prince Edward Island, Firefighters Motorcycle Club
Members are active & retired Firefighters, Motorcycle non-specific
PEI Chapter 1 Charlottetown
Info: Scott Ryan, Pres., Email: pei1@redknightsmc.com
PEI Chapter 2 Summerside
Info: Allan Morrison, Pres., Email: pei2@redknightsmc.com
PEI Chapter 3 Souris
Info: Donnie Aitken, Pres., Email: pei3@redknightsmc.com

Regiment MC, Tombstone Crew; 3 Years Military Service; Motorcycle Harley-Davidson
Vice-Pres: Slingshot; Email: regiment_mc@yahoo.ca
Facebook: Support Regiment MC

Road Dawgs, Chapter 1 Halifax; Motorcycle non-specific.
Pres: Kevin F. MacLellan; Email: maclellan_kevin@hotmail.com; Facebook

Road Dawgs, Chapter 2, New Brunswick
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RoadDawgsChapter2NB/; Email: collee@nb-roaddawgs.com

Road Crew; Motorcycle non-specific.
Info: Greg Marr, 902-375-2321, Email: stixxs@hotmail.com; Facebook

Saltwater Retreads, Nova Scotia Chapter; Motorcycle non-specific Club with Riders over 40 years of age
Info: Peter S. Perry 902-758-3297; Email: saltwater.retreads@gmail.com; Facebook Nova Scotia Chapter
www.retreads.org National Website

Salty Shore Riders RC; Motorcycle non-specific
President: Ol’ Bear Email: saltyshoreriders@gmail.com

Shifters Motorcycle Club (Valley Shifters); Motorcycle non-specific
Located in the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia
Info: Fred Woodworth; 902-691-4567; Email: rosesandcoffee@hotmail.com

Sikh Motorcycle Club of Nova Scotia
President: Sarabjeet Singh
Email: info@smcns.ca
; Tel: 902-932-3834

Smoke Eaters Firefighters MC#2; Motorcycle non-specific
Located in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
Facebook.com/SmokeEater2/; Email: seffmc2@gmail.com

Southern Cruisers Riding Club; Motorcycle non-specific touring club
Chapter #291 Cape Breton
Info: Stan Johnson, Email: cbscrc@hotmail.com
Chapter #174 Halifax
Info: James W. Best, Email: kellybest@ns.sympatico.ca

Tribe of Judah Motorcycle Club; Motorcycle non-specific club and Biker Friendly Church
Info: New Covenant Ministries 902-468-9673; Email: info@ncmcanada.com or email@tribeofjudah.ca

Valley Vintage Motorcycle Society; Motorcycle non-specific.
Info: Cliff Honey, Pres. 902-825-3171; Anna Diggs, Secretary 902-825-3899

Veterans Canada MC Canada, New Brunswick Chapter
Web: www.veteransmccanada.com; Email: eastcoast_crew@veteransmccanada.com

Veterans Commandos MC; Motorcycle specific: Harley-Davidson & Victory
Cdn. members must be a veteran (active or retired) and have served in ELITE branches of the military:
Paratroopers, Jump Company, Special Forces, etc.;
Maritime Chapter Pres: Bruce Houghton, 902-718-6696; Email: brucehoughton41@gmail.co

Veterans UN/NATO Canada, Maritime Region; Motorcycle non-specific.
Members must have served a minimum of 5 years in regular forces or have done a UN or NATO mission.
Membership details at www.veteransunnatohq.com; Email: gabyandr@nb.sympatico.ca

Veterans UN/NATO Canada, Nova Scotia; Motorcycle non-specific.
Members must have served a minimum of 5 years in regular forces or have done a UN or NATO mission.
Provincial Rep.: Eain Lipp
Membership details at www.veteransunnatons.org; Email: veteranscommittee@gmail.com

VTX Riders;Motorcycle specific, Group of VTX riders.
Email for Info: jeremy@dunsmith.com; www.canadianxriders.com East Coast

Waverley Riders; Motorcycle non-specific.
Info: J. ‘Bing’ Bingham, Pres., 902-401-3685; Angus MacBean, VPres., 902-225-2768
Facebook; Email: waverleyridersmc@gmail.com

Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association; Nova Scotia Grand Chapter; Open to all Masons
Email: secretary@widowssonsns.com; Web: www.widowssonsns.com

Wild Cards Motorcycle Club; Motorcycle non-specific club
Info: Paul Kerr, President; call 902-765-9353; Email: paul.kerr@ns.sympatico.ca

Wind Sisters Nova Scotia; Motorcycle non-specific, sisterhood of female riders
Facebook: WindSistersNovaScotia
Info: Sharon Ward, provincial lead for NS; Email: sharon.windsisters@gmail.com