in Nova Scotia
Monday nights
Red Knights NS Chapter VI Bike Night
1909 South Main St., Westville (Reims Windows and Doors)
BBQ in support of NS Children’s Burn Camp, Pictou County.
Tuesday nights
Masstown Bike Nights & 50/50
at the Creamery lot (across from the Market)
starts 6:30-7:30ish – a great place to mingle with friends
Bike Night at Tim’s in Middleton, NS weekly on Tuesdays at 5pm
Bike Night at Bad Dog Cycles in Timberlea; featuring live music with Rob Francis from 5:30-7:30pm – Rain or Shine. Naughty Kitty open for coffee & snacks. Some door prizes each week.
Blacktop Brotherhood Bikers Nite at Pizzatown (corner of Cobequid-Glendale in Lr. Sackville) 15% off food & soft drinks, donation jar for BikersDown.
BikersDown Cape Breton BBQ Bike Night, at Sydco Fuels, 452 George St., Sydney, NS – 6-8:30pm (weather permitting) 50/50, Door Prizes, Music
Bikers for Charity Tuesday Bike Night @5:00pm at the Petro Canada, (by Exit 18) 1036 Brooklyn St., Middleton, NS. Eats & drinks available at Robins and your voluntary donation goes to local Salvation Army in Middleton. Sponsored by UN/NATO Veterans, Fundy Group.
Wednesday nights
Cape Breton FreeWheelin’ Bike Nite from 6-8pm at Pharmasave parking lot in Membertou, NS. Music, BBQ, Door Prizes, Surprises, All welcome
CabotPowersports, Rides depart at 6pm at 1173 Kings Road, Sydney, NS.
Please bring a $2 non-perishable food item
Port Hawkesbury – Sobey’s parking lot, hosted by 320 Sport Bike Motorcycle Riders. Meet at 6:30pm at 622 Reeves St, Port Hawkesbury, NS.
Email: redninjabike29@hotmail.com
NS Lady Biker & Friends: NSCC Burridge Campus, Yarmouth, NS,
Supper, and a ride departs at 6pm.
Route 66 North @ 771 Bedford Hwy, Bedford, NS from 5-7pm. Burgers, Hot Dogs, Sausages & 50/50 Draw
Thursday evenings
Bikers Down Support BBQ – beginning June 6th — 5:30-7pm
15 Sackville Cross Road, Lower Sackville (O’Connell’s Recycling)
Weather permitting – until September, Music & 50/50 Draw
Liberty CC Ride Nights at 6pm at 1 Ralston Ave, Dartmouth, NS. June 6-Sept. 12
Privateers H-D Ride Nights with BBQ starting at 5pm till 8pm, 74 Hobsons Lake Dr., Bayers Lake Business Park, Halifax, NS
Friday evenings
74th Crusaders Bike Night at the Clubhouse, 104 Bike Club Lane, Moschelle, NS.
Beginning May 24th, then every other week
at 104 Bike Club Lane, Moschelle, NS. Hot Dogs, Curly Fries, Sausages, French Fries, Cold Drinks
Saturday afternoons
Route 66 North @ 771 Bedford Hwy, Bedford, NS from 9:30am-1pm. Group ride followed by BBQ Burgers, Hot Dogs, Sausages back at Route 66 North
In New Brunswick
Wednesday nights
Kent Co. Motorcycle Riders Club – Meet at the Ice Shack Pub & Eatery in Rexton, NB at 5:30pm for a departure of 6:30pm every Wednesday (weather permitting). Biker Menu available before ride departs. Donation of $5 per rider collected for local foodbank,
In Newfoundland
Thursday nights
Rugged Rock H-D Ride Nights starting Thursday, June 13th and weekly thereafter.
at 12 Allston St., Mount Pearl, Nfld. from 5pm till 8:00pm, rain or shine!
Great music, great food from Montana’s & hot coffee. All makes & models welcome!