creators & publishers of Motorcycle Tour Guide Nova Scotia & Atlantic Canada
We have enjoyed motorcycling for more than fifty years. Above all, during our travels, we felt a need for an information package, designed with the motorcyclist in mind. Therefore we originally created this guide to be compact and easily carried, with full-size mapping and relevant information that is important to motorcyclists touring in Atlantic Canada.
Touring Atlantic Canada
You will find that each province we cover is distinct with varied attractions and scenery. However, rest assured that Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland & Labrador all share a love of the sea with charming seaports to explore. Touring Atlantic Canada provides a multitude of adventures to enjoy.
This guide has been entirely researched, written and all mapping done by ourselves. We apologize for any typos or omissions and hope our direct approach as to what lies around the next corner helps you to divert from the beaten path, and explore all of Atlantic Canada.
If by chance, we have steered you in the wrong direction, rest assured a friendly and helpful Maritimer, will put you back on the right track!
Where to find the guide…
The printed guide has a modest price tag of $6.99+GST, and is available for purchase from our website while supplies last. NO NEW PRINT VERSION since 2020.
We will continue as DIGITAL ONLY – and continue to produce our annual travel app “RideAtlanticCanada”. Download from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
Our newest edition for 2025 will be available digitally in May.
Order a remaining 2020 from our shop while stock lasts HERE.
A special thank you to all our advertisers!
During your travels, please support our advertisers and be sure to tell them you saw them in our guide. You know you are welcome when you book your stay at any of our advertiser’s locations!
Have a wonderful adventure!
Harold & Wendy Nesbitt,
Publishers & Creators
of the Motorcycle Tour Guide Nova Scotia & Atlantic Canada
Writer, Sales, Advertising, Mapping, Layout & Design: Harold & Wendy Nesbitt
For Advertising Information: 1-902-877-5451
Address: PO Box 1000, 201 Hwy #2, Lower Five Islands, N.S., B0M 1N0
Telephone: 902-254-8080
Web: motorcycletourguidens.com
Email: MTGNS23@gmail.com